What Are You Thankful For This Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving!

I sure do hope that you’re having a great Thanksgiving Day!

Here are some of the things I’m thankful for this season.  Please post a comment and tell me what you’re thankful for in this season of thankfulness.

#1) I’m Alive — God is Good.  I’m still here and kicking. I have my health and I’m quite thankful for this.

#2) I Live In America — We have many freedoms to do almost whatever we want, no matter who we are, and we are limited only by ourselves.

#3) People Need My Help More Than Ever — What I do is in demand. I enjoy helping people and hope that I can make a difference in people’s lives.

#4) Interest Rates Are Low — Money is cheap these days and if someone has debt, they can more easily get out of their situation, or get a home loan and live the American Dream of home ownership. I’m not a big fan of taking on debt, but if you are in debt, now is a great time to find ways to get rid of it.  I’ve been in trouble in this area before, so I know how it is.  Don’t finance things you don’t need.

#5) I Have My Friends And Family — This cannot be taken lightly.  I understand that some of you out there don’t have a family or even a large group of friends.  It’s much easier to get through life when you have someone there with you.  If you’re struggling in life, I recommend visiting some local churches to find a good group of supportive friends and a pastor who can pray with you and help you through your struggles.  Chances are you won’t find the right one on the first go. Keep searching and don’t give up; you’ll find the right place for you.

#6) Jesus Christ — If it wasn’t for Him, I’d be so lost right now. Everyone needs Jesus whether they know it or not.  He loves everyone so much that He died for us so that we wouldn’t have to pay the penalty of sin in Hell, and helps us here on Earth.  I can’t even comprehend how thankful I am for our God for doing this. I hope you know Him or can get to know Him soon.

So share with me, what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Holiday?